Giving Tuesday 11-29-2022
Now in our 24th performance season, the 1794 Meetinghouse remains a place of entertainment, culture, and education. Most of our programming is made possible through the generous and deeply appreciated gifts of many donors. These include individuals, corporations, businesses, foundations, the Massachusetts Cultural Council, and other local cultural councils from area communities. With continuing fiscal challenges, these financial commitments are essential. There are various ways to donate to 1794 Meetinghouse and the Performing Arts.
Contributions are absolutely critical to fulfilling the Meetinghouse’s mission. As a Massachusetts Historical Landmark, the 1794 Meetinghouse receives no direct federal or state appropriations for the operation and maintenance of the building. And because state and national arts endowments are taking major financial hits year after year, only a small portion of our funding that goes toward the Center’s ambitious performances or educational activities is now derived from state or regional cultural councils and foundations. Event ticket sales and other earned income cannot completely cover the costs of underwriting the Center’s numerous programs. Only private funds can make our programs possible.
You Can Support the 1794 Meetinghouse in a Variety of Ways:
- By attending our performances.
- By making a direct (tax deductible) contribution for any amount you wish.
- By sponsoring a performance.
- By advertising in our annual Program Book.
- By volunteering or serving on the Board.
What Your Direct Contribution Means
your generous donation:
- Makes it possible for us to present a wide variety of performances each year.
- Provides access and other accessibility enhancements for people with disabilities.
- Helps us maintain, repair and restore the 1794 Meetinghouse building, which is a Historical Landmark.
Sponsoring Concerts and Projects
Sponsors enjoy numerous benefits, including:
- Recognition in radio advertising
- Reduced price advertising in our season’s program book
- Program page recognition
- Contribution page listing
- First choice on specific sponsorships for the next season
- Recognition via signage in the lobby
- Recognition from the stage
- A number of complimentary tickets for the current season, depending on sponsorship level.
In addition, individuals and businesses can underwrite such projects as concert tickets, the printing of our season’s program book, with their name or logo printed on the item. Underwriting our program book’s printing and production costs devotes the entire first page to the underwriter.
All donations, sponsorships, and underwriting are fully tax deductible.
Contact Us to find out more about our various Giving, Underwriting and Fundraising Opportunities.