1794 Meetinghouse

1794 Meetinghouse Hosting Two Public Forums
Saturday May 4, 2pm to 3:30pm, at the New Salem Library, and
Saturday May 18, 10:30am to noon, at 1794 Meetinghouse

1794 Meetinghouse — The Next 30 Years

1794 Meetinghouse was established as a nonprofit in 1986 with the goal of restoring the building and turning it into a nonprofit center for the arts serving the North Quabbin region. Funds were raised; renovations began; and programs were started to build up our audience and serve the region even before those renovations were done. Enough renovations were completed for the first program to happen on Old Home Day in July 1994.

Thirty years later it is time to take stock, to reexamine our nonprofit arts past and reimagine the future. We are hosting two public forums:

Saturday May 4, 2pm to 3:30pm, at the New Salem Library, to discuss programs and artistic goals.

Saturday May 18, 10:30am to noon, starting at 10:30am with a tour of the building and continuing with the public forum inside the hall, to discuss the needs of the building.

We’d love to have you join us! Please let us know if you intend to come to either or both events (it helps our planning to have a rough head count) and if you have any particular questions (to help us form our agenda). Please email us at info@1794meetinghouse.org, or call and leave a message at 413-335-3489.

Brad Foster, Executive Director — 1794 Meetinghouse