1794 Meetinghouse

Dear Friends,

We had a wonderful season this year: fourteen concerts and other events in June, July, September AND November; the re-launch of Quabbin Valley Pro Musica after being dark for 2 1/2 years: and the expansion of off-the-normal-season events with a new concert at the Orange Town Hall. And we look forward to another wonderful season — we’re keeping the Meetinghouse alive, working toward renovations of the beautiful building, planning new concerts and another season of QVPM next year.

Even in the best of times, ticket sales and business advertising cover only 55% of our operating costs; we rely on grants (thank you, Mass Cultural Council and other grant sources) and you to help us cover the gap.

Donate to our Giving Tuesday appeal for November 29, 2022

Please help us thrive and continue our dual missions of offering high quality arts programming at an affordable cost and maintaining and preserving the wonderful building.

Please give as much as you can to help support our work. Your annual giving makes a huge difference; any amount is greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for your participation and support, your concert attendance, love of  the building, membership in Quabbin Valley Pro Music, interest in our history, volunteer work, and/or participation past and present on our Board. You are what keeps us alive and helps us thrive.

With gratitude,

Brad Foster, Executive Director

Donate to our Giving Tuesday appeal for November 29, 2022

ps: Please browse the pictures below for a retrospective of our 2022 season. The concerts were wonderful, the variety of genres quite broad. I’ve included images of three concerts we had to cancel; they too would have been wonderful and we hope to have them back next summer.


Christine Ohlman Headshot

Donate on Giving Tuesday, November 29, 2022